Making money with Padel

The space needed for Padel

When comparing sports, it is important to highlight which sport is capable of delivering the highest return per square meter or square foot, based on the space requirements per single paying player.

See also: >>>  Global Padel Report
Here the outcome: 

Tennis:       325 m2 (3500 sqft) /player
Football:    273 m2 (2938 sqft) / player
Basketball:  60 m2 (  645 sqft) / player
Padel:            50 m2 ( 538 sqft) / player

The income sources for Padel

These are the classic income sources:
See also: Business Plan for Padel

Good for Padel-Owners:

Padel tennis as an additional sport option in the tennis club and leisure centers with tennis, we see the following advantages:

Good for Padel members (youth, adults, seniors)

Padel impresses due to its simplicity and its a very high fun factor.  The rules of the game are quickly explained and learned and the basic techniques of the individual strokes and without time-consuming training also. After 5-10 minutes introducing
you’re in. The handy bat allows especially beginners an easy introduction to the sport and provides also at a low level a fast success.
In Spain, Padel is being played by approximately 3,5 Million people on 14.000 Padel Courts. Is a very common and popular sport.

Good for Padel Coaches

There are interesting workshops where trainers can get update themselves. We can assist you with finding workshops.  Tennis coaches broaden the range of training courses and that’s from trainers standpoint also an interesting step forward to their professional career and to be more versatile. 

How Padel can help you to reduce the dropouts?

The approach is not that the paying members expect a better deal of the club, or the price-performance ratio does not fit, or other reasons, but there are 3 determinant reasons why members leave:

  • Loss of Fun Factor (49% of dropouts give this point as one of the reasons)
  • Switching to other sports and thus are considered dropouts (54%)
  • Membership structure (55%): In many cases the average age is very high.