When building an indoor or outdoor Padel Court, the structure needs a firm and solid surface. The steel structure with the heavy glass (3.6t) must be securely and firmly screwed to the ground for your own safety. This area is called the foundation. The foundation is there to absorb the load of the Padel Court, caused by the wind action and the players.
IMPORTANT: The direct installation on top of a tennis court or directly on asphalt is not suitable, due to the fact that the ground would be too soft, and we would experience a severe lack of stability.

There are basically two foundation systems for a Padel Court in place.
Which system is the most appropriate in your case depends mainly on the soil structure where the foundation has to be built considering also the local building regulations.
We supply the foundation plans with the quote with the right measurement that fits with our system.
We would like to introduce you to the 2 best known systems:
Strip Foundation (Ring beam)
On OUTDOOR-Installations the heavy loads should be supported by a strip foundation.
As a substructure for the playing surface, there are also different options, such as asphalt (see picture below) or stone concrete. Important here is the drainage. The surface is intended to ensure that the rainwater runs off the field quickly.

Reinforced concrete slab with slope
This system is very common and popular in Southern Europe, but it does not provide adequate frost protection for low temperatures during the winter months in countries like Germany, UK, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Russia, Poland, etc.
Get the advice of your building company in this regard.

In general, strip foundations and reinforced concrete slabs must be resistant to frost action according to local regulations to avoid any damage, and based on this it should be deep enough.
Foundations requires in most cases a Building permit. In any case, we recommend talking with an architect or a local building company for the best advice.
The regulation and the duration of the application for the building application can vary by region and it is important that you follow exactly the rules. Depending on the country, state or city, this takes from a few weeks to a few months. This is why we recommend that you submit your application to the local authorities at an early stage so that you do not miss the season.
Who should build the foundation?
The most cost-efficient way for building a foundation is liaising with a local building company in your neighbourhood that stays even close to your organization. Building a foundation is not rocket-science. We help with the foundation plans. As part of our service you can also put us in touch with the building company as well, so we can help to make sure that everything is well aligned with our system.
It is important to ensure that the foundation is properly constructed and installed, as it will affect the overall performance and longevity of the Padel Court. Therefore, it is recommended to hire a professional contractor to ensure the proper installation of the foundation.
See also the video “The installation process“. We recommend watching the video.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
More information see the post “Ground works for Padel Courts“.